Heather had a fantastic post today in response to the controversy surrounding Shellie. It really made my day to read it because so often I have sat here, thousands of miles away from her wishing there was something, anything, I could do to help her. Turns out, the tweets we send off into cyberspace and the outpourings of love on our blogs do actually matter during our online friends' time of need.
Twitter is an awesome resource. Whether I want to share something funny, vent about something frustrating going on or just see what the world is up to it is there day or night. If I sneak the whole box of Christmas Cookies into the bed to munch on while blogging, I can tweet it and instantly get back up telling me to #putthosebackrightnow! If my kids are making me nuts I might get a response from another mom in Chicago telling me their kids are being ten times worse and I'm able to laugh about it with them. I get up to the minute news, someone to "watch" the big game with or tips on great Christmas presents for those hard to buy for relatives.
And yes, there are lots of us that use twitter as a support group. Why that is so threatening to some people I just don't understand. I have to wonder when I read these scathing accusations of moms that tweet while their children are fighting for their lives have any understanding of the technology that makes social networking possible. Tweeting doesn't involve going into your living room and firing up the old Commodore 64, waiting 10 minutes for it to start up and then dialing into Prodigy. What she did took no more time than a very brief phone call and surely nobody would try to fault someone for calling someone, anyone, when something so shocking and horrible happens. Social networking isn't limited to Farmville and trending topics on the latest hit movie. It can be used for amazing things too. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go check my @ replies...
No, I do not want AI to “polish” me.
1 day ago
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